30 AugKeeping children safe

Posted on 30 Aug 2023

The National Quality Framework (NQF) introduced a new quality standard to Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in 2012. Research shows the impact that high-quality ECEC has on children’s long-term outcomes, especially with children that experience developmental vulnerabilities. The NQF includes national law and regulations that ensures children are kept safe within a service and that parents have access to the quality rating a service holds.  

Children’s safety remains the main priority for the ECEC sector and underpins all guidelines and pedagogy that our services implement. Benefits of the NQF to children and parents include:  

  • improved educator to child ratios, that ensure children have greater individual care and attention  
  • educators with increased skill and qualifications 
  • better support for children’s learning and development through approved learning frameworks  
  • consistent, transparent information on educators, providers and services in the national registers.  

We know our members prioritise children’s safety and commit to delivering high quality programs for the families that engage with their services. It is important to promote to families that interact with your service that their children are safe and are receiving high quality education and care.  

Embedding the NQF and regulations into your services practices is a key component to ensuring our children continue to receive high-quality and safe environments.  

To refresh on what is included in the NQF and national regulations CLICK HERE.  

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