22 AugKinder starts at three – spread the word with this fun animation

Posted on 22 Aug 2023

The Victorian Department of Education has released a new animation that explains to Victorian families what to expect from Three and Four-Year-Old Kindergarten programs, and what the Best Start, Best Life reforms – including Free Kinder and Pre-Prep – mean for them.

The animation encourages families to enrol as early as possible in kindergarten programs for a better chance of getting a preferred place. It makes it clear that there’s no wrong time to ask about kindergarten programs, and that families can speak to services and their local council at any time of the year about enrolling. It also provides an overview of the flexible hours available in Three-Year-Old Kindergarten programs.

Emphasising that it’s an exciting time for early childhood education in Victoria, the animation also takes families through how Free Kinder works and what to expect from the upcoming roll-out of Pre-Prep.

You can watch the animation on the Give your child the best start and Communicating about kindergarten to your community webpages.

The animation is being translated to multiple languages and will be added to the Supporting CALD families to engage in kindergarten webpage in the coming months. This will complement the in-language videos already available that feature families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds talking about the benefits of kinder and how to enrol. Videos are available in Arabic, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Punjabi, and Vietnamese, with more languages being added. Burmese will be next.

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