22 FebMinister for Education “This is a big year for education”

Posted on 22 Feb 2023

Earlier this week, the Hon Jason Clare – Federal Minister for Education – gave a speech about three big reviews occurring in Australia’s education system.

“This is a big year for education… two weeks ago I announced the most comprehensive review of early education in Australia’s history. That work is being led by Professor Deborah Brennan AM from the University of New South Wales. She’ll do that work with the Productivity Commission. That work kicks off next month and will report to the Government in the middle of next year.” 

ELAA will be meeting with the commissioners of the Productivity Commission in early March to advocate for the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector and inform their  understanding of our sector’s needs.  

Discussing the work the Albanese government is conducting in early education, school education and higher education, Minister Clare said, “Individually, each of these big pieces of work are important… each of them offers an opportunity for real reform… but it’s what they do together that can make a real difference, that can help to transform the lives of children right across the country and change our country for the better”. 

We are heartened to see Minister Clare’s focus includes ensuring vulnerable children have access to education, and acknowledges that the outcomes from quality early childhood education and care perpetuate throughout a person’s life.

“Today if you’re a child that comes from a poor family, you’re less likely to go to preschool, you’re more likely to fall behind, you’re less likely to finish high school and you’re less likely to finish university. This is an opportunity to change that.” 

ELAA is pleased to see continued momentum from government in the early years space. The recent Early Years Summit was attended by a range of providers including ELAA members, and saw a common vision for improving access to and outcomes from Early Childhood Education and Care.

Over the next few months ELAA will prepare comprehensive submissions to the Productivity Commission and to inform the Early Years Strategy.

We look forward to keeping you informed and to provide ways for you to feed into these exciting opportunities.

To read the Productivity Commission’s Terms of Reference, please CLICK HERE.  

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