08 NovNew food safety requirements from December 2023

Posted on 08 Nov 2023

From December 8, 2023, depending on the types meals they provide, some Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services in Australia will need to meet a new food safety standard required by the Food Act 1984. Standard 3.2.2A is a new food safety standard for food service and retail businesses that aims to improve food safety and support consumer confidence.

ECEC services that provide hot/cold meals and snacks are classified as Class 1 (high risk).

Class 1 services must:

  • ensure food that is sold or prepared for sale is safe to eat (this includes food provided to children as part of the program and included in the fees paid to the service by the family)
  • register annually with the council
  • be inspected by the council when first registered or when registration is transferred to a new proprietor
  • have a food safety program that is tailored specifically to their activities as a food premise
  • keep a copy of the food safety program on site
  • appoint a food safety supervisor with the necessary skills and accredited training
  • undergo two mandatory compliance checks each year:
    • a council assessment of the premises and compliance with the documented food safety program
    • an audit of the food safety program by a Department of Health, approved auditor to determine adequacy and compliance.

ECEC services that supply low risk snacks such as cut fruit, milk, bread and cereals are classified as Class 4 (low risk).

Class 4 services are not required to have:

  • a food safety program
  • a Food Safety Supervisor (FSS)
  • an annual council inspection.

However, Class 4 services must ensure that staff members have the skills and knowledge needed to safely handle food in their work roles.

For more information about Food Business Classification CLICK HERE.

The new Standard applies to ECEC services who are defined as Class 1 within the Food Act 1984.

There are three food safety management tools in the new Standard:

  • Tool 1: Food Handler Training

Class 1 ECEC services will be required to implement Tool 1 and Tool 2. They are exempt from Tool 2 for five years if their FSS is certified prior to 8 December 2023. They are exempt from Tool 3 due to their Food Safety Program.

Class 1 ECEC services must ensure that all staff that handle food complete a food safety training course or have the adequate skills and knowledge in food safety and hygiene to do that activity correctly and keep food safe. These services must also have a certified Food Safety Supervisor to supervise food handlers. These requirements are in place because unpackaged, potentially hazardous foods are open to contamination by harmful microorganisms or other hazards immediately before the food is served and eaten, so need careful handling.

To learn more about food handler training CLICK HERE.

Class 1 ECEC services must:

  • appoint a certified FSS before engaging in food handling activities
    • the certificate must be from either a Registered Training Organisation or an organisation recognised by the relevant food regulator
    • the certificate must have been obtained within the past five years
  • ensure that the FSS is reasonably available to advise and supervise each food handler engaged in that prescribed activity, which involves handling unpackaged and potentially hazardous foods that are ready to eat (considered high risk).

CLICK HERE to view a short introduction video about the new Standard.


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