09 NovPlaygroup Statement

Posted on 09 Nov 2022

Playgroup Australia have released a national Playgroup Statement. The Statement was developed by a National Advisory Group made up of representatives from national government, not-for-profit and community organisations, early years academics and individuals with a history of service to Australian children and families. This Playgroup Statement calls on all Australians and governments at all levels to recognise the invaluable contribution playgroups make to Australian society. ELAA attended Playgroup Australia’s online panel discussion ‘A Playgroup Statement for Australia: a national conversation’ last week and want to share the Statement with our members.  

The Statement outlines the benefits of playgroups and their historical importance in Australian communities. Some of the benefits listed in the Statement include:  


  • playgroups provide opportunities for children to build social and emotional skills through interactions and relationships with others 
  • playgroup participation is linked to positive transitions to schools and assists children who may have developmental vulnerabilities make this transition. 


  • playgroups assist in building connections between local communities, children and families 
  • playgroups connect families to local organisations and other families that represent their cultural or interest similarities. Forming relationships with these organisations can provide children and families with an entry point into allied health services supporting children’s development.  


  • when parents play with their children at playgroup, they observe other families doing the same. This encourages play at home and promotes the importance of play for development 
  • playgroups give the opportunity for parents to connect and share their experiences and build a support network. 

Social and economic wellbeing

  • there are several cumulative benefits for children, adults and communities. Improved learning and development for children, increased social connections and mental health for adults, and stronger local communities improve Australia’s overall social and economic wellbeing.  

For a link to the full Playgroup Australia Statement, please CLICK HERE 

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