09 FebProductivity Commission aligns with ELAA’s advocacy

Posted on 09 Feb 2023

Late breaking news. The Productivity Commission has announced terms of reference for the review of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) with submissions due in April. The terms of reference include a welcome focus on educational outcomes, vulnerability and disadvantage as well as access and affordability. 

ELAA is happy to share that the terms of reference align with our briefing email to the Productivity Commission last year. This is a demonstration that our work in advocacy continues to deliver evidence-based outcomes. ELAA commits to informing the Productivity Commission of the nuances and challenges of the ECEC sector to assist in their inquiry.  

ELAA is pleased to see Professor Deborah Brennan appointed as an Associate Commissioner for the Inquiry. Professor Brennan was a co-author on the eminent report Lifting our Game (read the report by CLICKING HERE) and has deep sector knowledge. 

ELAA will be liaising with members over the next few weeks to inform our submission and interaction with the commission. 

To read the Productivity Commissions terms of reference please CLICK HERE. 

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