01 MarRepresenting ECEC in the National Strategy for the Care and Support Economy

Posted on 01 Mar 2023

ELAA attended a vibrant consultation with the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet which is leading the development of a National Strategy for the Care and Support Economy. 

The consultation provided the opportunity to collaborate across ECEC, aged care, veteran’s care and disability care and to share strengths, challenges and solutions. 

All sectors share a common interest in needing to invest in, attract and retain their workforce and growing shortages. A range of solutions were raised including potential quicker wins such as harmonisation of worker checks, like Working With Childrens Checks, across jurisdictions to building broader understanding of the current and future demand for the care workforce. A wide range of longer-term solutions were also highlighted across areas including quality and regulation, workforce, and digital solutions to name a few.  

ELAA looks forward to seeing how this work transpires over the coming months, and the release of a dedicated strategy. 

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