18 AprSA Royal Commission recommends universal 3 y.o access

Posted on 18 Apr 2023

Big news from the South Australian Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education & Care.

The Royal Commissioner and former Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, announced the release of an Interim Report of the Royal Commission yesterday.

The report contains thirty three recommendations, including providing universal entitlement to 3-year-old kindergarten programs through a mix of government and non-government settings, rolling out from 2026 at an estimated cost of $162.7 million annually.

The rollout will also include an additional estimated capital investment of between 101.2 to $111.2 million to build the equivalent of thirty two new early childhood education and care services.

ELAA welcomes the Interim Report and its recommendations that align South Australia with several other States, including Victoria, in ensuring children have access to two years of preschool.

More information, including a link to the full Interim Report, can be found here https://bit.ly/41Cpdng

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