16 FebOHS, Leadership & Team performance management webinars

Posted on 16 Feb 2022

Registrations opening soon. More details to come. Save these dates in your diary so you don’t miss out.

Tuesday 29 March, 6.30-8pm – OHS – Whose job is it? – Presented by Zora Marko

Wednesday 6 April, 7-8.30pm – Building Leadership Awareness – Presented by Sharron Kelly-Campbell

Wednesday 4 May 1.30-3 – Developing and Sustaining High Performing Teams – Presented by Sharron Kelly-Campbell

OHS – Whose job is it?

75% of services recently visited by WorkSafe had at least one improvement notice issued, and these numbers are rising. Given these numbers, WorkSafe will continue the focus on the early childhood education and care sector. As a Committee of Management or as an Early Years Manager (EYM) organisation ultimate responsibility for OHS compliance in your service/s rests with you. Our session will inform you of your obligations to provide a safe environment for all those who visit or participate in your service:

  • educators
  • children
  • visitors
  • contractors

We will cover

  • employer obligations
  • consultation and what it means in the context of an Approved Provider
  • systems to support your obligations
  • the role of the ACECQA Risk Assessment Management Tool

Building Leadership Awareness

Before we can become a good leaders, we need to ensure that we have a clear understanding of how we appear to others.

This session allows the learner to identify their people style, and to understand how to practically apply this within the workplace to create improved outcomes.

The content covered will allow the learner to gain a greater insight to the people style of other team members and how this might work with your own style. In addition to this, learners will explore leadership characteristics, and what the differences are between leadership and management.

This session aims to support the learner to:

• improve self awareness

• understand the people style of others

• strengthen their understanding of leadership characteristics

• know when to lead, and when to manage

• how to apply this information within their team or organisation to improve outcomes relating to task, project or relationships.

Developing and Sustaining High Performing Teams

What do high functioning teams look like and what does it take to get there?

As leaders, you each enter into a team environment under different circumstances. Some inherit a team, some develop a team from scratch, some have large teams, some have small teams. Most teams have some element of difference. As a leader, understanding where your team is at is the first step you should take before stepping into the realm of high functioning.

This session introduces learners to theory identifying the crucial elements needed and the stages that teams will go through in order to reach the standard of a high performing team. This will also extend into the value succession planning, ensuring that whatever your team applies along the way remains sustainable into the future, and not just a current fad.

This session aims to support the learner to:

• understand the stages of team development

• understand the indicators of a high functioning team

• identify signs of dysfunction

• identify and develop future leaders.

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