11 JulShare your experience to improve pay and conditions

Posted on 11 Jul 2023

The workforce shortages experienced within the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector are well-known. A Macquarie University research team, contracted under the National Workforce Strategy, are investigating how rates of pay and employment conditions impact the recruitment and retention of ECEC staff.  

The University has designed a survey that will give the sector an opportunity to share what needs to be improved in order to solve the workforce crisis. Your responses will directly inform Government ECEC policy and industrial relations reform, and workforce initiatives planned by large and small ECEC employers. When you complete the survey you can enter a draw for one of ten $300 gift vouchers. 

The survey asks about your current employment conditions, your job attitudes, and which employment conditions and benefits are the most desirable. It should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. Please CLICK HERE to access the survey.  

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