A group of meeting standing and posing for a picture after a meeting

19 JunProtecting our children on the road: Starting Out Safely project’s first stakeholder meeting

Posted on 19 Jun 2024

ELAA is proud to have convened our first Child Car Seat Stakeholder group meeting last week. The Starting Out Safely Project Road Safety Education (RSE) team brought together experts in ‘safe transportation of children’ from TAC, representation from the Australian Standards panel, Dorel, Australian Child Restraint Initiative (ACRI), RACV, KidSafe and Infasecure to discuss topics like the upcoming changes to the law, the Australian Standards, research, and current campaigns. 

Apologies were received from the Victorian Police, Department of Transport, Baby Bunting, Britax, Royal Children’s Hospital and Mobility and Accessibility for Children in Australia (MACA).   

The aims for the stakeholder group meeting are to have:   

  • greater information and knowledge sharing between stakeholders  
  • greater clarity on issues relating to child car seats  
  • increased understanding of issues faced by stakeholders  
  • updates on new products.   

Our stakeholders were grateful to be involved and welcomed the initiative as a great networking and information-sharing opportunity. The group will convene quarterly, with the next meeting to be held in September. In the meantime, many new connections have been made. 

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