26 OctState Election Messaging

Posted on 26 Oct 2022

The Victorian State Election is approaching. During this period, there will be plenty of messaging from political parties and their commitments to the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector. Although ELAA tries to inform our membership of significant policy changes in the sector, we will be limiting our messaging during the election period.  

This will begin in line with the upcoming caretaker period, commencing at 6pm Thursday, 1 November. ELAA will still be updating our membership of any significant election commitments in our weekly publication, ELAAVATE. This will be an apolitical approach, intended to inform our membership of the objective facts leading up to the State Election that will be held Saturday, 26 November.  

ELAA will continue to comment on federal government policies and other news relating to the ECEC sector. If you would like to learn about ELAA’s position on the issues affecting our sector leading up to the state election, then please CLICK HERE to read our joint submission with Community Child Care (CCC) and Early Childhood Australia (ECA).  

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