05 SepTalking to children about Treaty and the Voice

Posted on 05 Sep 2023

With a number of significant events occuring for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people right now, you might be wondering how to answer questions from children around the Treaty (in Victoria) and the proposed (national) Voice to Parliament.

Aunty Geraldine, a Bangerang and Wiradjuri woman, the President of the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated (VAEAI) and the former Co-chair of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria answered some questions raised by her granddaughter in the winter edition of  the Victorian Inclusion Agency’s magazine, ‘Embrace’. 

The ‘Embrace’ article explained that children are going home to their families full of curiosity, asking questions about Aboriginal people. Children are even teaching their families a thing or two.  

“We are only three per cent of the population, so we need that other 97 per cent to be our allies. We need people to talk about the Voice at their dinner parties and barbecues and when they are with their friends,” Aunty Geraldine stated.

We encourage our members to use this conversation as a tool to help guide discussion with children about these two topics. With the date of October 14 set for the referendum, fostering discussion with children is more important than ever.  

CLICK HERE to read through the candid conversation between Aunty Geraldine and her youngest grandchild.

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