17 NovThe Front Project’s system stewardship

Posted on 17 Nov 2022

The Front Project recently invited ELAA (alongside other peaks and sector leaders) to participate in a webinar on their most recent research. The research explores how a system stewardship approach to Australia’s Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) system could support government and other ECEC stakeholders to address current challenges and seize opportunities for families and children.  

During the webinar, the Front Project’s CEO, Jane Hunt, and Lead for Research, Policy and Government Relations, Sarah Ireland, discussed the key findings from the report and the importance of why they embarked on the study.  

The Front Project shared with us how system stewardship could be modelled for the ECEC sector. System stewardship is a holistic approach to governance, acknowledging its complex and adaptive nature. The research examines if now is the time for the ECEC sector to use system stewardship as a solution to a myriad of issues. The Front Project acknowledged that for system stewardship to be successful in ECEC it would have to be the responsibility of all levels of government, families and regulators.  

The Front Project proposes that now is the time for significant change within the ECEC sector to enact quality, long-term outcomes for both the workforce and children.  Their research highlights that system stewardship could be a holistic, solution-focused approach to ensuring children across Australia are able to access affordable and accessible, high-quality ECEC, with benefits flowing to their families, communities, and Australia more broadly. 

Please click here for a copy of the report. 


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