15 Nov‘The Parenthood’ amplifies rural voices

Posted on 15 Nov 2023

‘The Parenthood’ have released a report that presents over 160 stories and case studies to shed light on the challenges that Australian families face in accessing Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in regional, rural and remote Australia.  

ELAA celebrates the publishing of Choiceless: the plight of parents in accessing regional, rural and remote early learning and care, as we regularly hear from our regional and rural members about the additional barriers their services and the families accessing them face.  

‘The Parenthood’ describe Choiceless as “a call to all levels of government to champion equitable access to early childhood education and care. It’s a symbol of hope for countless families who’ve been left without a choice, and a commitment to a brighter future for all Australian children.”

“The consequences of inaccessible early childhood education in regional, rural and remote Australia are profound. Children miss out on social, health and educational benefits, workforce shortages worsen when parents can’t return to work, and towns suffer economically,” said Maddy Butler – Campaign Director of The Parenthood. 

ELAA encourages our members to read this report, and thanks those who contributed their regional/rural experience during the report’s drafting. ELAA remains acutely aware of the need to advance the needs of our regional and rural members and will continue to promote their experiences in our Advocacy. 

CLICK HERE to read the report. 

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