19 OctVictorian Flood Support

Posted on 19 Oct 2022

The team at ELAA sends its best wishes to all of our membership impacted by the recent floods. We understand this has been an increasingly stressful time for those affected and offer information on how you and your service can receive assistance in recovering from this disaster. 

If you click HERE you can access our post on what services can do in terms of federal government support.  

Recently the Andrew’s government released a statement: “Families who have been directly affected by the floods will be able to send their three and four-year-old children to kinder for free for Term 4. The Government will also deliver $2 million in grants for sessional kinder services that have been damaged by the floods – or that have staff or families directly affected – to recover and rebuild.”  

ELAA has been in contact with representatives of the Victorian Department of Education and Training (Vic DET). They have written up a direct send to services impacted by the flooding. 

The support Vic DET are offering :

  • the Victorian government is committing up to $2.35 million to assist families and kindergarten services that have been directly impacted by the Victorian floods. The package includes Free Kinder for Term 4 eligible families and recovery support grants for eligible services
  • for eligible families, the Free Kinder payment will cover the cost of the Term 4 fees at participating sessional services (with the service receiving $668) and will reduce quarterly fees at participating long day care services by $550
  • where children are enrolled in a Three-Year-Old Kindergarten program of less than 15 hours a week, a pro-rata payment will be made according to the number of hours of the program
  • up to $15,000 will be available for sessional kindergarten services directly impacted by flooding or severe weather on their premises, i.e. where there has been a direct physical flood impact on the building or outdoor area
  • up to $5,000 will be available for sessional services not directly impacted by the floods or severe weather but have multiple staff and/or families attending their service who have been directly impacted
  • services that are required to close due to limited or no access or have been damaged by the floods will not be penalised for not being able to meet the requirement to deliver 600 hours across the year.

To access this support please click HERE

We understand you might not have time to access this support just yet, but if your service does need further advice from ELAA please contact our member solutions team membersolutions@elaa.org.au

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