07 DecECEC Workforce Summit update

Posted on 07 Dec 2022

Last week, ELAA’s Director of Advocacy and Member Solutions, Megan O’Connell, attended a summit hosted in Canberra to address the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) workforce crisis including the recent passing of the Secure Jobs, Better Pay bill and how this will impact the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector.  

This second workforce crisis summit brought together employers, peaks and unions to discuss the urgent need to attract and retain the workforce, and the opportunities arising from the new industrial relations legislation. The meeting commenced with an address by the Minister for Early Childhood Education, the Honourable Dr Anne Aly. Dr Aly highlighted the benefits of the industrial relations changes, including supporting gender pay equity and enhancing capacity for multi-enterprise bargaining. 

The summit concentrated on the necessity to increase wages across the sector and desire for Commonwealth co-funding to ensure fees do not escalate beyond the reach of families. 

ELAA has a unique perspective within the Industrial Relations (IR) space – as a leader in the development of the Victorian Early Childhood Teachers and Educators Agreement (VECTEA) – and will continue to participate in stakeholder negotiations that involve sector-wide agreements, keeping our members needs at the forefront of our messaging.  

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