Working with families and children in a digital world

$20.00 Members

$30.00 Non Members

This course will provide educators with insights into the ways families and children are rethinking and using digital technology in their homes as a result of covid-19 and associated lockdowns and restrictions. Through his research with families from across Australia with the “This Digital Home” project, Daniel will take you into families’ homes and see videos, and hear from children about the role technology has in their lives. Then, Daniel will share “Playing IT Safe”, a new early childhood resource to support educators to use play-based learning approaches to help children be safe online and develop their digital literacy relevant to their age and stage. You will leave with some clear tools and practices to support you in helping families and children use digital technology in positive and supportive ways.

Daniel Donahoo

Currently, a Senior Advisor to the Alannah and Madeline Foundation and in partnership with the AFP and Office of the eSafety Commissioner has designed a play-based learning resource to support early childhood professionals teach children digital literacy and online safety. He has over two decades of experience working in early childhood and researching and writing about media and technology in children’s and families’ lives.

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