27 JanELAA’s Federal pre-budget submission 2023-2024

Posted on 27 Jan 2023

The Federal pre-budget submission outlines ELAA’s priorities for the consideration of the Albanese Government in the formulation of its budget for 2023-2024.  Our three key policy priorities for ECEC are:  

  1. The extension/removal of the activity test to ensure all children can access ECEC regardless of parental work status 
  2. Investment into infrastructure to reduce child care deserts  
  3. Funding fair wages to invest in the ECEC workforce. 

The evidence on the value of children having access to high quality ECEC is clear.  Australia will benefit from higher parental workforce participation, and importantly, improved school results leading to a smarter more innovative workforce which is able to compete internationally in the future.   

The combined effect of these factors will also strengthen Australia’s economy and, longer-term, lead to a reduction in government expenditure.   

Our recommendations are:

  • Invest in the extension of the Activity Test to enable Australia’s most vulnerable families to enrol their children in quality Early Childhood Education and Care.
  • Invest in infrastructure and workforce attraction in locations that have the lowest access to Early Childhood Education and Care
  • Fund sessional kindergartens and preschools, particularly in small and remote communities, access to the federal government Child Care Subsidy to offer before and after session care.
  • Co-fund wages to address the workforce crisis and ensure quality outcomes in not-for-profit ECEC.
  • Fund not-for-profit peak bodies to ensure small employers can voluntarily engage in bargaining.

To read the full submission, please CLICK HERE.

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