Learning and Development Calendar

ELAA’s Professional Learning and Development calendar ensures that teachers, educators, and committee members are up-to-date and informed.

Safety – not just child’s play

Eastern Hub Geelong 285a McKillop Street, East Geelong, Australia

Employers are responsible under Victorian Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) laws for providing and maintaining a workplace that is safe and without risk to health for employees. ELAA, together with Recovre, presents a one day seminar on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and Return to Work (RTW). The course is specifically designed for employers and […]


Indigenous perspectives in children’s programs

Eastern Hub Geelong 285a McKillop Street, East Geelong, Australia

During this hands-on practical session Yarn Strong Sista aims to leave participants with a greater understanding of Victorian Aboriginal culture and have the confidence to support and embed Aboriginal culture as part of the everyday program. Teachers and educators will be inspired by the stories from other early childhood services that have made a commitment […]


Resilience, independence and self-esteem – a 3 to 5-year-old focus

Eastern Hub Geelong 285a McKillop Street, East Geelong, Australia

We all recognise the importance of developing children’s social and emotional resilience. The ability to deal with difficult and sensitive issues in a constructive way, coping with challenges and changes and developing a bank of personal emotional strengths are essential to a happy and healthy life. This workshop will focus on: defining resilience and the […]


Digital technology in the early years

Eastern Hub Geelong 285a McKillop Street, East Geelong, Australia

Unpack the opportunities and challenges that come with incorporating new technologies for children to use in your program and consider the role all early childhood professionals have in ensuring that technology has a positive role in children’s development. This session will include content about how to use technology with children for a range of purposes […]

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