08 SepFree book offer from Think Equal promotes social and emotional learning in children

Posted on 08 Sep 2020

ELAA is a strong advocate and supporter of Think Equal – a charity that brings social and emotional learning to children around the world in their earliest years.

We’re also thrilled to have Think Equal CEO and founder, Lesley Udwin, as our keynote speaker at the ELAA AGM in November (members will receive more details re the AGM soon).

Think Equal’s work has now reached nearly 38,000 children in 14 countries across five continents. They are also partnered with UNICEF, UNESCO, the Pope’s Global Compact for Education, Yale’s Centre for Emotional Intelligence, the Earth Institute at Columbia University and many others.

As a response to the current situation regarding COVID 19, Think Equal has created 6 weeks worth of Home Kits (narrative picture books and parent/child activities) free of charge, to help children manage this challenging time in a positive and reassuring way, through social and emotional learning. Each week features a new and exciting book, with activities and resources.

Think Equal and ELAA hope to help children to become more empathetic, resilient, able to regulate their emotions, and develop many other critical competencies which are more important now than ever. The books are engaging and accessible, and the activities are fun and multisensory.

Please share this opportunity with your network to help them, help children everywhere, by asking them to visit www.thinkequal.org/freebooks for more information and to sign up for the materials.

If you have any further questions or thoughts, please do not hesitate to get in touch with tia.fields@thinkequal.org

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