02 AugProtecting children online: the importance of e-safety policies

Posted on 02 Aug 2023

In today’s digital age, Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services must prioritise online safety for children. This includes having e-safety policies in place to ensure that children are protected from harm and that service providers are equipped to handle potential online risks. 

One of the primary benefits of having e-safety policies in ECEC services is that they help to protect children from online dangers such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and online predators. By establishing clear guidelines for internet usage and monitoring, service providers can help to prevent these risks and keep children safe. 

Having e-safety policies in place can help to prepare service providers for potential online incidents. By outlining procedures for responding to online risks and providing training on internet safety, service providers can be better equipped to handle these situations and protect the well-being of children. 

Having e-safety policies in place is essential for providing high-quality Early Childhood Education and Care services. By protecting children from online risks, building trust with families, preparing service providers for potential incidents, complying with regulations, and demonstrating professionalism, these policies help to create a safe and nurturing environment for children to learn and grow. 

Does your service have an up-to-date e-safety for children policy? 

ELAA’s PolicyWorks catalogue provides easy to use templates to assist ECEC services to contextualise and update policies to meet legislative, regulatory, and funding requirements.  

To purchase PolicyWorks CLICK HERE or if you have already purchased the catalogue CLICK HERE to access the policies.

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